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Shawmut, north of Angelica - 1941
Program Schedule
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | |
12 mid | Bill Has the Blues |
Late Night Chicago Radio |
Amar-ica's Constitution |
The Fun Zone | FM Odyssey | Flower Pwr Hour II |
Digital Blues |
1:00 a.m. | Bill Has the Blues |
Jazz Progressions |
Amar-ica's Constitution |
Letters & Politics |
FM Odyssey | Musical Starstreams |
At the Crossroads |
2:00 a.m. | Bill Has the Blues |
The Breeze | Something Beautiful |
Background Briefing |
The First Wave | Musical Starstreams |
Blues Deluxe |
3:00 a.m. | Southern Roots |
The Breeze | Lake Air | Independent Music Show |
Letters & Politics |
Letters & Politics |
RFA Blues |
4:00 a.m. | Balmoral Blues |
The Breeze | Lake Air Deep Tracks |
Soundwave | Background Briefing |
Keeping Democracy |
RFA Blues |
5:00 a.m. | Northern Lights |
Soft Sounds | Soft Sounds | Soft Sounds | Soft Sounds | Soft Sounds | Halfway to Jackson |
6:00 a.m. | Northern Lights |
Classical Guitar Alive |
American Landscapes |
Legends | Millennium of Music |
Baroque and Beyond |
Green Bubble Tea |
7:00 a.m. | City Arts and Lectures |
The Piano Matters |
The Score | Connections | Feminine Fusion |
Baroque and Beyond |
Green Bubble Tea |
8:00 a.m. | Just For Kids |
Between the Keys |
Good Morning Angelica with Don |
Good Morning Angelica with Jim |
Woodwarblers JazzGrass |
Beethoven to Bernstein |
Listening to America |
9:00 a.m. | The Episcopal Church |
Wind and Rhythm |
Good Morning Angelica with Don |
Good Morning Angelica with Jim |
Woodwarblers JazzGrass |
Chicago Symphony Orchestra |
You Bet Your Garden |
10:00 a.m. | 10:00 - Salty Austin 10:30 - Music & Spoken W |
More to Think About |
International Americana Music Show |
Sonic Cafe |
High Country Celtic Radio |
Chicago Symphony Orchestra |
Glacier Rock |
11:00 a.m. | Reel Music | Acoustic Cafe | Radio Reading Journey + + + + + + + + Person Place Thing |
Radio Free Blues | Radio Reading Journey - rebroadcast + + + + + + + + Media Matters |
Upfront Soul | Glacier Rock |
12 noon | Barnaby Druthers |
Acoustic Cafe | eTown |
Radio Free Blues | Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch |
Upfront Soul | The Apple Seed |
1:00 p.m. | The NY Philharmonic |
Long Strange Trip |
Studio B | Sing Out Radio Magazine |
Red Barn Radio |
In the Groove | One Hit Wonders |
2:00 p.m. | The NY Philharmonic |
Michael Johnathon's WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour |
Todd's Turntable |
Judy Carmichael's Jazz Inspired |
Red Barn Radio |
A Way With Words + + + + + + + Inspired Interlude |
The Children's Hour |
3:00 p.m. | Beth Williams Indie Americana Songwriter Show |
Jazz Variations | We the People | Classic Vinyl Jazz | 18 Dollar Podcast |
#1 Hits | Dead Air |
4:00 p.m. | Cafe Chill | Jazz Variations | 4:00 - 51% 4:30 - The Book Show |
- But Have You Tried? |
4:00 -Legisla. Gazette 4:30 -Best of Our Knowledge |
4:00 - Frank at Four 4:30 - Reggae Cruise |
Julian Taylor's Jukebox |
5:00 p.m. | Let's Talk about That |
News | News | News | News | Hip Crip's Music Emporium |
Julian Taylor's Jukebox |
6:00 p.m. | Celt in a Twist | Modern Jetset |
Beale Street Caravan |
The Mess Around | Radio 2050 | Hip Crip's Music Emporium |
Julian Taylor's Jukebox |
7:00 p.m. | Night Lights | Anything Goes!! with Lise Avery |
The String + + + + + + + + Board Meeting |
Floydian Slip | Song Kitchen |
Jazz with David Basse |
The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn |
8:00 p.m. | Afterglow | Radio Deluxe | Worldwide Hip-hop |
8:00 - Capitol Connection 8:30 - Peace Talks Radio |
Flower Power Hour |
UK & USA Rock & Soul Connection + + + + + + + The Straw |
Acid Jazz |
9:00 p.m. | The Book wRaq | Radio Deluxe | Classic Baseball + + + + + + + + Global Village |
The Winx Mixtape Show |
Jazz & Blues for an Angelica Evening |
UK & USA Rock & Soul Connection |
Acid Jazz |
10:00 p.m. | WorldMix | The Jazz Scene | Classic Baseball + + + + + + + + Radio Ecoshock |
Listening to America - rebroadcast |
Full Moon Hacksaw Jazz |
Down the Road |
World Beat Canada Radio |
11:00 p.m. | WorldMix | Alternative Radio |
Classic Baseball + + + + + + + + Tuned to Yesterday |
FM Odyssey | Full Moon Hacksaw Jazz |
Down the Road |
Juke in the Back |
Schedule Details:
1. Hosts identified below in bold blue font produce their shows here in western New York.
2. Tuesday's Classic Baseball usually airs at 9:00 p.m. When Classic Baseball is not broadcast, the companion programs sharing that time slot may be heard instead.
Bill Has the Blues - Blues
Southern Roots - Music
Balmoral Blues - Music
Northern Lights - New Age sounds hosted by Kelly Sapergia
City Arts and Lectures - Conversations about arts, ideas and values
Just For Kids - Radio for young children! First, some science for kids, followed by a story
The Episcopal Church - A weekly service of worship from Angelica, NY's, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Cuba, NY's, Christ Episcopal Church.
Salty Austin - Fabulous classic country music by Salty Austin
Music and the Spoken Word - Music by The Tabernacle Choir; this broadcast dates from 1929 and is the longest continuous broadcast on the air
Reel Music - Music from the movies
Barnaby Druthers - Audio theater produced in Torrington, CT, in association with community radio station WAPJ.
The New York Philharmonic this Week - Music by the NY Philharmonic hosted by
Beth Williams Indie Americana Songwriter Show - A weekly showcase of American music curated by host Beth Williams, “Where the Colorado mountains meet the West Texas wind and beyond.”
Cafe Chill - A down-tempo mix of music from KNHC, Seattle, with host Seth Bolin
Let's Talk about That- Discussions about interesting topics from a variety of producers including the Council on Foreign Relations and New Hampshire Public Radio
Celt in a Twist - The latest in contemporary Celtic music and interviews hosted by Patricia Fraser
Night Lights- Classic jazz from 1945 to 1990 hosted by David Brent Johnson
Afterglow - A program of vocal jazz and popular song from the Great American Songbook hosted by Mark Chilla
The Book wRaq - Heard a good book lately? Listen to The Book wRaq to hear the work of many different authors.
WorldMix - The latest and best in global hits from all around the world with host Rupert Palmer
Late Night Chicago Radio - Hear music from the Big Band era hosted by Denny Farrell
Jazz Progressions - Free jazz and jazz fusion hosted by Jake Longwell
The Lively Lounge - The radio show for lovers of popular instrumental music including pop orchestras, big bands, jazz, light music, popular classics and easy listening hosted by Tony Currie
Something Beautiful - This program features the genre known as "beautiful" music hosted by Jake Longwell
Lake Air - Modern jazz, new age and acoustic music hosted by Jake Longwell
Soft Sounds - Mellow, relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Classical Guitar Alive - The art of classical guitar music with host and producer Tony Morris
The Piano Matters - Recordings of great piano works with host David Dubal
Between the Keys - Music
Wind and Rhythm - Music of wind bands from around the world with host David Lawrence
More to Talk About - Interviews and conversations about wide ranging topics
Acoustic Cafe - Americana, jazz and everything with host Rob Reinhart
What a Long Strange Trip - Americana, rock and pop with host Wally Bowen
Michael Johnathon's WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour - Grassroots and old-time music hosted by Michael Johnathon
Jazz Variations - Jazz hosted by Tonia King
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Modern Jetset- a wide-ranging mix of musical styles, artists, and timelines hosted by Iris Berkeley
Anything Goes!! with Lise Avery - A variety of jazz, standards, classic pop and artist interviews hosted by Lise Avery
Radio Deluxe - Jazz and popular song hosted by John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey
The Jazz Scene - Fine jazz hosted by Jake Longwell
Alternative Radio - Discussions about issues confronting the United States and our international neighbors
Amar-ica's Constitution -
Something Beautiful - Music
Lake Air - Music
Lake Air Deep Tracks - Music
Soft Sounds - Mellow, relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
American Landscapes - Music
The Score - A celebration of music in film hosted by Edmund Stone
Good Morning Angelica - Music and conversation hosted by Don Ash
International Americana Music Show - Americana music by non-American artists hosted by Michael Park
Radio Reading Journey - This program is designed for younger listeners. It combines nursery rhymes, longer poems and short stories to engage young minds. Hosted by Pam Duttweiler
Person Place Thing - Conversations with unique people with writer, host Randy Cohen
eTown - program to educate, entertain and inspire through music and conversation in order to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world hosted by Nick and Helen
Studio B - Music from a southern California perspective with host Dave W. Phillips
Todd's Turntable - Mostly jazz hosted by Todd Gordon
We the People - Discussions about our United States constitution from the National Constitution Center hosted by Jeffrey Rosen
51% - A woman's perspective on contemporary issues hosted by Jesse King
The Book Show - Interviews with authors about their books, their lives and their craft hosted by Joe Donahue
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Beale Street Caravan - Blues from Memphis hosted by Pat Mitchell-Worley and Kevin Cubbins
The String - Conversations on culture, media and American music - anchored by veteran journalist and broadcaster Craig Havighurst
Board Meeting - We broadcast the recorded Town of Angelica Board Meeting on the second Tuesday every month. And we broadcast the recorded Village of Angelica Board Meeting on the third Tuesday every month. These civic meetings preempt the regularly scheduled program The String.
Music Museum - Indie and pop music hosted by Ed Foster with novel themes
Classic Baseball- Original broadcasts of classic baseball games with commentary by Justin Thaine
Sounds from the Global Village - Distinctive "world" music hosted by Jake Longwell
Radio Ecoshock - Environmental news and articles hosted by Alex Smith
Tuned to Yesterday - Music
The Fun Zone - Comedy and music, ... and comedy IN music hosted by Byron Lee
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Background Briefing - Discussion of national and international issues with Ian Masters
The Independent Music Show - Music
Soundwave - Music
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Legends - Music
Connections - Music
Good Morning Angelica - Music and conversation hosted by Jim Ruschak
Sonic Cafe - A mix of music, comedy and pop culture from the Oregon coast hosted by Scott Clark
Radio Free Blues Show - Conversations about the blues with host Larry Becker
Sing Out Radio Magazine - Folk and some rock with Tom Druckenmiller
Judy Carmichael's Jazz Inspired - Music and fascinating interviews with Judy Carmichael
Classic Vinyl Jazz - Mostly jazz and conversation with host Jeff Kellam
But Have You Tried? - Book news, interviews and reviews from the David A, Howe Public Library hosted by Nic Gunning and Ally Fesmire
Missing Pages - All about books and writing
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Kick Back with KB - Although Kathleen Benzaquin presents all sorts of good music from different eras; rock is dear to her heart
Floydian Slip - A weekly radio journey through the history of the band Pink Floyd hosted by Craig Bailey
Capitol Connection - Conversations with members of the NYS Assembly and Senate, and media analysts, hosted by Alan Chartock
Peace Talks Radio - A series on peacemaking and non-violent conflict resolution hosted by Paul Ingles
The Winx Mixtape Show - A rock-and-roll-based program, conceived by host Chuck Winkler to emulate the format of 70’s and 80’s album oriented radio (AOR), with a bit of humor and conversation.
Listening to America - Host Clay Jenkinson speaks with people across America as he travels around this big land. This is a re-broadcast of last Saturday's show
FM Odyssey - Folk, rock and conversation with Fred Migliore
FM Odyssey - Folk, rock and conversation with Fred Migliore
The First Wave - Music
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Background Briefing - Discussion of national and international issues with Ian Masters
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Millennium of Music - European music from the thousand years before the birth of Bach with host Robert Aubry Davis
Feminine Fusion - Music
WoodWarbler's JazzGrass - The sounds of bluegrass, jazz and the artists that blend these styles together hosted by Brian Aust
High Country Celtic Radio - music
Radio Reading Journey - This program is designed for younger listeners. It combines nursery rhymes, longer poems and short stories to engage young minds. Hosted by Pam Duttweiler. Re-broadcast from Tuesday
Media Project - The changing role of authentic news media in today's world hosted by Rex Smith of WAMC
Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch - Jorma presents blues, folk and rock with fine musical guests
Red Barn Radio - Old-time, bluegrass and Americana music from in and around Kentucky hosted by Brad Becker
18 Dollar Podcast - Two brothers talk about topics of interest in a stream of consciousness conversation that is entertaining and engaging. It's both witty and informative, hosted by Ralph and Chris Tetta.
The Legislative Gazette - This is an in-depth look at New York State politics and government hosted by David Guistina
The Best of Our Knowledge - Highlights breakthroughs across disciplines and across the globe, examining some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Radio 2050 - A mix of talk and music centered around creating a better world with host Allana Goldsmith
Song Kitchen - This is our program focused on the art of songwriting and community building hosted by Don Burger
The Flower Power Hour - The golden age of peace, love and rock and roll - music from the 60's, 70's and 80's hosted by Ken and MJ Rundel
Jazz and Blues for an Angelica Evening - Classic, melodic, jazz mixed with mature blues hosted by Don Ash
Full Moon Hacksaw - Jazz and blues hosted by Tom Coulson
The Flower Power Hour II - The golden age of peace, love and rock and roll - music from the 60's, 70's and 80's hosted by Ken and MJ Rundel
Musical Starstreams - Mostly new age music
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Keeping Democracy - Discussion about United States government and politics
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Baroque and Beyond - Baroque and later chamber music with Michael White
Beethoven to Bernstein - Classical music hosted by Josh Oren
Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral works under the seasoned baton of music director Riccardo Muti hosted by Lisa Simeone
Upfront Soul - Funk, soul and jazz with host Sanguine Fromage
In the Groove - Real jazz, new and old, from station WWUH, Storrs, Connecticut, hosted by Ken Laster
A Way With Words - A program about language examined through history, culture and family hosted by Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett
Inspired Interlude - Original poetry by Joanna and Larry Bachman - monthly
#1 Hits - Popular music hosted by Dan Sweeney
Frank at Four - All about Frank Sinatra; his music, his life and the artists he influenced, hosted by Jim Ruschak
Reggae Cruise - Mostly reggae hosted by Rich Rizzo
The Hip Crip's Music Emporium - Rock, blues and everything else new and old, hosted by Josh Shannon
Jazz with David Basse - The depth and breadth of jazz including interviews and anecdotes from musician David Basse
UK USA Rock n Soul Connection - Rock and soul from the 1950's through the 1980's hosted by Keith Scowcroft and Mike Kroll
The Straw - Music and opinion hosted by Christian Stuck - monthly
Down the Road - The music of New Orleans hosted by Robert Sherman
Digital Blues - Blues hosted by Ashwyn
At the Crossroads - Blues hosted by Brant Zwicker
Blues Deluxe - Blues and rock Hosted by Dave Johnson
RFA Blues - Blues
Halfway to Jackson - Classic country, western swing, hillbilly, rockabilly and Americana
Green Bubble Tea - East Asian music and popular music from all over the world hosted by Isa Bufano
Listening to America - Host Clay Jenkinson speaks with people across America as he travels around this big land
You Bet Your Garden - Gardening advice call-in show with host Mike McGrath
Glacier Rock - Rock curated from station KEUL in Girdwood, Alaska, hosted by Jon Scudder
The Apple Seed - Stories for everyone hosted by Sam Payne
One Hit Wonders - A weekly showcase of one hit wonders plus updates and trivia from when the songs were big, hosted by Dan Sweeney
The Children's Hour - Educational and fun programming created with children for children hosted by Katie Stone
Dead Air - Music and anecdotes all about the Grateful Dead hosted by Cory Daniels
Julian Taylor's Jukebox - A wide variety of excellent performances hosted by musician Julian Taylor
The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn - A mix of music featuring rock, blues, jazz, folk, soul, rhythm and blues, country, bossa nova, movie soundtracks, easy listening and more, all peppered with Ben's musicological slant; hosted by Ben Vaughn
Acid Jazz - Jazz with soul and funk influences from Capital Public Radio hosted by Gary Vercelli
World Beat Canada Radio - Contemporary world music hosted by Cal Koat
Juke in the Back - R&B from the 1940's and 1950's hosted by Matt the Cat
1. Hosts identified below in bold blue font produce their shows here in western New York.
2. Tuesday's Classic Baseball usually airs at 9:00 p.m. When Classic Baseball is not broadcast, the companion programs sharing that time slot may be heard instead.
Bill Has the Blues - Blues
Southern Roots - Music
Balmoral Blues - Music
Northern Lights - New Age sounds hosted by Kelly Sapergia
City Arts and Lectures - Conversations about arts, ideas and values
Just For Kids - Radio for young children! First, some science for kids, followed by a story
The Episcopal Church - A weekly service of worship from Angelica, NY's, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Cuba, NY's, Christ Episcopal Church.
Salty Austin - Fabulous classic country music by Salty Austin
Music and the Spoken Word - Music by The Tabernacle Choir; this broadcast dates from 1929 and is the longest continuous broadcast on the air
Reel Music - Music from the movies
Barnaby Druthers - Audio theater produced in Torrington, CT, in association with community radio station WAPJ.
The New York Philharmonic this Week - Music by the NY Philharmonic hosted by
Beth Williams Indie Americana Songwriter Show - A weekly showcase of American music curated by host Beth Williams, “Where the Colorado mountains meet the West Texas wind and beyond.”
Cafe Chill - A down-tempo mix of music from KNHC, Seattle, with host Seth Bolin
Let's Talk about That- Discussions about interesting topics from a variety of producers including the Council on Foreign Relations and New Hampshire Public Radio
Celt in a Twist - The latest in contemporary Celtic music and interviews hosted by Patricia Fraser
Night Lights- Classic jazz from 1945 to 1990 hosted by David Brent Johnson
Afterglow - A program of vocal jazz and popular song from the Great American Songbook hosted by Mark Chilla
The Book wRaq - Heard a good book lately? Listen to The Book wRaq to hear the work of many different authors.
WorldMix - The latest and best in global hits from all around the world with host Rupert Palmer
Late Night Chicago Radio - Hear music from the Big Band era hosted by Denny Farrell
Jazz Progressions - Free jazz and jazz fusion hosted by Jake Longwell
The Lively Lounge - The radio show for lovers of popular instrumental music including pop orchestras, big bands, jazz, light music, popular classics and easy listening hosted by Tony Currie
Something Beautiful - This program features the genre known as "beautiful" music hosted by Jake Longwell
Lake Air - Modern jazz, new age and acoustic music hosted by Jake Longwell
Soft Sounds - Mellow, relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Classical Guitar Alive - The art of classical guitar music with host and producer Tony Morris
The Piano Matters - Recordings of great piano works with host David Dubal
Between the Keys - Music
Wind and Rhythm - Music of wind bands from around the world with host David Lawrence
More to Talk About - Interviews and conversations about wide ranging topics
Acoustic Cafe - Americana, jazz and everything with host Rob Reinhart
What a Long Strange Trip - Americana, rock and pop with host Wally Bowen
Michael Johnathon's WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour - Grassroots and old-time music hosted by Michael Johnathon
Jazz Variations - Jazz hosted by Tonia King
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Modern Jetset- a wide-ranging mix of musical styles, artists, and timelines hosted by Iris Berkeley
Anything Goes!! with Lise Avery - A variety of jazz, standards, classic pop and artist interviews hosted by Lise Avery
Radio Deluxe - Jazz and popular song hosted by John Pizzarelli and Jessica Molaskey
The Jazz Scene - Fine jazz hosted by Jake Longwell
Alternative Radio - Discussions about issues confronting the United States and our international neighbors
Amar-ica's Constitution -
Something Beautiful - Music
Lake Air - Music
Lake Air Deep Tracks - Music
Soft Sounds - Mellow, relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
American Landscapes - Music
The Score - A celebration of music in film hosted by Edmund Stone
Good Morning Angelica - Music and conversation hosted by Don Ash
International Americana Music Show - Americana music by non-American artists hosted by Michael Park
Radio Reading Journey - This program is designed for younger listeners. It combines nursery rhymes, longer poems and short stories to engage young minds. Hosted by Pam Duttweiler
Person Place Thing - Conversations with unique people with writer, host Randy Cohen
eTown - program to educate, entertain and inspire through music and conversation in order to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world hosted by Nick and Helen
Studio B - Music from a southern California perspective with host Dave W. Phillips
Todd's Turntable - Mostly jazz hosted by Todd Gordon
We the People - Discussions about our United States constitution from the National Constitution Center hosted by Jeffrey Rosen
51% - A woman's perspective on contemporary issues hosted by Jesse King
The Book Show - Interviews with authors about their books, their lives and their craft hosted by Joe Donahue
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Beale Street Caravan - Blues from Memphis hosted by Pat Mitchell-Worley and Kevin Cubbins
The String - Conversations on culture, media and American music - anchored by veteran journalist and broadcaster Craig Havighurst
Board Meeting - We broadcast the recorded Town of Angelica Board Meeting on the second Tuesday every month. And we broadcast the recorded Village of Angelica Board Meeting on the third Tuesday every month. These civic meetings preempt the regularly scheduled program The String.
Music Museum - Indie and pop music hosted by Ed Foster with novel themes
Classic Baseball- Original broadcasts of classic baseball games with commentary by Justin Thaine
Sounds from the Global Village - Distinctive "world" music hosted by Jake Longwell
Radio Ecoshock - Environmental news and articles hosted by Alex Smith
Tuned to Yesterday - Music
The Fun Zone - Comedy and music, ... and comedy IN music hosted by Byron Lee
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Background Briefing - Discussion of national and international issues with Ian Masters
The Independent Music Show - Music
Soundwave - Music
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Legends - Music
Connections - Music
Good Morning Angelica - Music and conversation hosted by Jim Ruschak
Sonic Cafe - A mix of music, comedy and pop culture from the Oregon coast hosted by Scott Clark
Radio Free Blues Show - Conversations about the blues with host Larry Becker
Sing Out Radio Magazine - Folk and some rock with Tom Druckenmiller
Judy Carmichael's Jazz Inspired - Music and fascinating interviews with Judy Carmichael
Classic Vinyl Jazz - Mostly jazz and conversation with host Jeff Kellam
But Have You Tried? - Book news, interviews and reviews from the David A, Howe Public Library hosted by Nic Gunning and Ally Fesmire
Missing Pages - All about books and writing
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Kick Back with KB - Although Kathleen Benzaquin presents all sorts of good music from different eras; rock is dear to her heart
Floydian Slip - A weekly radio journey through the history of the band Pink Floyd hosted by Craig Bailey
Capitol Connection - Conversations with members of the NYS Assembly and Senate, and media analysts, hosted by Alan Chartock
Peace Talks Radio - A series on peacemaking and non-violent conflict resolution hosted by Paul Ingles
The Winx Mixtape Show - A rock-and-roll-based program, conceived by host Chuck Winkler to emulate the format of 70’s and 80’s album oriented radio (AOR), with a bit of humor and conversation.
Listening to America - Host Clay Jenkinson speaks with people across America as he travels around this big land. This is a re-broadcast of last Saturday's show
FM Odyssey - Folk, rock and conversation with Fred Migliore
FM Odyssey - Folk, rock and conversation with Fred Migliore
The First Wave - Music
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Background Briefing - Discussion of national and international issues with Ian Masters
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Millennium of Music - European music from the thousand years before the birth of Bach with host Robert Aubry Davis
Feminine Fusion - Music
WoodWarbler's JazzGrass - The sounds of bluegrass, jazz and the artists that blend these styles together hosted by Brian Aust
High Country Celtic Radio - music
Radio Reading Journey - This program is designed for younger listeners. It combines nursery rhymes, longer poems and short stories to engage young minds. Hosted by Pam Duttweiler. Re-broadcast from Tuesday
Media Project - The changing role of authentic news media in today's world hosted by Rex Smith of WAMC
Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch - Jorma presents blues, folk and rock with fine musical guests
Red Barn Radio - Old-time, bluegrass and Americana music from in and around Kentucky hosted by Brad Becker
18 Dollar Podcast - Two brothers talk about topics of interest in a stream of consciousness conversation that is entertaining and engaging. It's both witty and informative, hosted by Ralph and Chris Tetta.
The Legislative Gazette - This is an in-depth look at New York State politics and government hosted by David Guistina
The Best of Our Knowledge - Highlights breakthroughs across disciplines and across the globe, examining some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education
News - VOA International Edition followed by Deutsche Welle News
Radio 2050 - A mix of talk and music centered around creating a better world with host Allana Goldsmith
Song Kitchen - This is our program focused on the art of songwriting and community building hosted by Don Burger
The Flower Power Hour - The golden age of peace, love and rock and roll - music from the 60's, 70's and 80's hosted by Ken and MJ Rundel
Jazz and Blues for an Angelica Evening - Classic, melodic, jazz mixed with mature blues hosted by Don Ash
Full Moon Hacksaw - Jazz and blues hosted by Tom Coulson
The Flower Power Hour II - The golden age of peace, love and rock and roll - music from the 60's, 70's and 80's hosted by Ken and MJ Rundel
Musical Starstreams - Mostly new age music
Letters and Politics - Analysis of national and international events hosted by Mitch Jeserich
Keeping Democracy - Discussion about United States government and politics
Soft Sounds - Relaxing music for easing into your day with Lady Rachel
Baroque and Beyond - Baroque and later chamber music with Michael White
Beethoven to Bernstein - Classical music hosted by Josh Oren
Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Orchestral works under the seasoned baton of music director Riccardo Muti hosted by Lisa Simeone
Upfront Soul - Funk, soul and jazz with host Sanguine Fromage
In the Groove - Real jazz, new and old, from station WWUH, Storrs, Connecticut, hosted by Ken Laster
A Way With Words - A program about language examined through history, culture and family hosted by Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett
Inspired Interlude - Original poetry by Joanna and Larry Bachman - monthly
#1 Hits - Popular music hosted by Dan Sweeney
Frank at Four - All about Frank Sinatra; his music, his life and the artists he influenced, hosted by Jim Ruschak
Reggae Cruise - Mostly reggae hosted by Rich Rizzo
The Hip Crip's Music Emporium - Rock, blues and everything else new and old, hosted by Josh Shannon
Jazz with David Basse - The depth and breadth of jazz including interviews and anecdotes from musician David Basse
UK USA Rock n Soul Connection - Rock and soul from the 1950's through the 1980's hosted by Keith Scowcroft and Mike Kroll
The Straw - Music and opinion hosted by Christian Stuck - monthly
Down the Road - The music of New Orleans hosted by Robert Sherman
Digital Blues - Blues hosted by Ashwyn
At the Crossroads - Blues hosted by Brant Zwicker
Blues Deluxe - Blues and rock Hosted by Dave Johnson
RFA Blues - Blues
Halfway to Jackson - Classic country, western swing, hillbilly, rockabilly and Americana
Green Bubble Tea - East Asian music and popular music from all over the world hosted by Isa Bufano
Listening to America - Host Clay Jenkinson speaks with people across America as he travels around this big land
You Bet Your Garden - Gardening advice call-in show with host Mike McGrath
Glacier Rock - Rock curated from station KEUL in Girdwood, Alaska, hosted by Jon Scudder
The Apple Seed - Stories for everyone hosted by Sam Payne
One Hit Wonders - A weekly showcase of one hit wonders plus updates and trivia from when the songs were big, hosted by Dan Sweeney
The Children's Hour - Educational and fun programming created with children for children hosted by Katie Stone
Dead Air - Music and anecdotes all about the Grateful Dead hosted by Cory Daniels
Julian Taylor's Jukebox - A wide variety of excellent performances hosted by musician Julian Taylor
The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn - A mix of music featuring rock, blues, jazz, folk, soul, rhythm and blues, country, bossa nova, movie soundtracks, easy listening and more, all peppered with Ben's musicological slant; hosted by Ben Vaughn
Acid Jazz - Jazz with soul and funk influences from Capital Public Radio hosted by Gary Vercelli
World Beat Canada Radio - Contemporary world music hosted by Cal Koat
Juke in the Back - R&B from the 1940's and 1950's hosted by Matt the Cat